Elicited Wordlist

Lista de palabras elicitadas

Object Details

Subject LanguageUspanteko
Language PID(s)ailla:119674
Title [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Title
TitleElicited Wordlist
Language CommunityUspantán, Quiché, Guatemala
Place CreatedSan Miguel Uspantán, Uspantán, Quiché, Guatemala
Date Created2018-07-23
Description [Indigenous]
Language of Indigenous Description
DescriptionParticipants were given a set of notecards with words in Spanish and a suggested item in Uspanteko. The participants read the word on each card. The words were selected to get at phonetically interesting contrasts in Uspanteko, e.g., long vs short vowels, glottalized vs non-glottalized segments in various positions in the word, tone.
Source Note
Contributor(s) Individual / RoleHenderson, Robert M. (Researcher, Author)
Bennett, Ryan T. (Researcher)
Contributor(s) Corporate / Role
