Searching and browsing

  • Posted on: 28 August 2017
  • By: admin

Search. Use the search bar (located in the upper right corner) to search for any language, person, country, genre, keyword, etc. Enclose phrases within quotation marks to narrow your results, e.g., "snow white" instead of snow white.

Advanced searches. Boolean operators in all caps (AND, NOT, OR) can be used to restrict searches.

Search by PID The persistent identifier or PID is the unique six digit number associated with an object in AILLA and can be found at the end of that object's URL. If you already know the PID associated with the object that you want to find, you can search by PID just like you would search with any other keyword.

Browse by collection. Collections are whole sets of resources (organized into folders) created by a particular researcher or project. Click on the Collections tab in the top menu to produce a list of all the Collections in AILLA. Click on one of the collections to see a summary of that collection, followed by a list of all of the resources it contains.